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Do you work in primary care medicine? If so, I’d like to introduce our Primary Care Medicine Workshops & Live Resources. This perfectly complements the curriculum you just purchased. Our resources are specifically for practicing clinicians (PA or NP) in primary care medicine:

  • Weekly Q&A Sessions: $499 value
  • Monthly Workshops: $499 value
  • Clinical Case Studies: $499 value
  • Primary Care Private Community: $499 value

There’s a big difference between school and practice. When you were in school, we often discussed what was done first because the order was important.

But, in real life, that’s not always the case. Often, a multitude of things are done all at once.

On an exam, there is typically one best answer that must be clear-cut; it must be easy enough to answer the question in 60 seconds. In real life, patients have multiple diseases, which can each cause their own set of symptoms. If you couple that with comorbid conditions, then arriving at a diagnosis starts to become much more of a challenge.

Diseases can be difficult to diagnose and/or differentiate in real life as things aren’t as clear-cut as presented in your studies.

This is why we like to shift our focus away from textbook exam-type presentations and toward real-world clinical scenarios.

We move away from the high-yield medicine model to tackle real-world situations and the thinking required of a primary care clinician.

The problem is that the stakes are much higher, and as you’ll soon find out, learning on the job without structure can slow down your progress.

There’s a lot you don’t think about until you’ve been in the game for a few years. There’s a lot you don’t know that you should know…until you’ve been working in primary care medicine for years.

Because of this, Medgeeks collaboratively found a better way to master the concepts you’re expected to know as a practicing clinician.

Weekly Q&A Sessions: $499 value

We go live on Zoom every week to answer any primary care-related topics. Even if you don’t have questions, this is a great way to learn from your colleagues nationwide. 

Monthly Workshops: $499 value

Once a month, we go live for a new primary care medicine lecture. We discuss guideline updates, dive deep into medicine, and break down complex case studies to keep your knowledge sharp.

Clinical Case Studies: $499 value

We go live on Zoom every week to showcase a new case study. We’ll go through the patient presentation as a group, covering work-up and putting together your differential diagnosis, management, and follow-up.

Primary Care Private Community: $499 value

You’ll have direct access to the authors of the material and can ask questions about the curriculum. 

You’ll also be able to post questions related to primary care medicine to help improve your patient care. You can post any questions as long as you follow HIPPA guidelines to get expertise from our clinical staff, who have decades of experience mentoring physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and physicians. 

Lastly, you can search and access every clinical question posted inside the community. Our search feature allows you to learn quickly and efficiently from challenging patient cases posted over the years.

You'll have access to our resources for 12 months for a one time payment of $399 (80% discount)

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