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…would you like to save on membership fees?

We’ve helped thousands of clinicians learn and retain medicine at an unprecedented pace. We know exactly what you’re going through; trust us when we say you’re in good company!

Once you start diving into our cardiology lectures, you’ll never look at medicine the same. In fact, we have clinicians who are still with us since opening our doors in 2013. Our material will change the way you study.

This is why I’d like to take this opportunity to offer early access to our entire clinical medicine series:

  • Clinical Pulmonology (30 hours): $199/year 
  • Clinical Hematology (26 hours): $199/year
  • Clinical Nephrology & Fluids (16 hours): $199/year
  • Clinical Gastroenterology (47 hours): $199/year
  • Clinical Endocrinology (45 hours): $199/year
  • Clinical Rheumatology & Musculoskeletal (28 hours): $199/year
  • Clinical Neurology (50 hours): $199/year

Joining each clinical series separately would cost $1,393 per year. However, as a member of Clinical Cardiology, we are offering an 80% discount on our entire clinical medicine suite. Upgrade for just an additional $271 per year and add an additional 242 hours of clinical knowledge to your membership.

You will still be covered by our 30-day money-back guarantee and you’ll also be eligible to receive 50 CAT 1 CME credits (accepted by AAPA, AANP, and ANCC).

Please choose an option to finalize your order:

Our 16 hour step-by-step program that shows you how to master the EKG for clinical practice. This the most comprehensive EKG review on the market; created for any clinician (physician, nurse practitioner, and/or physician assistant) needing to reliably read and understand the EKG.

The training is led by Dr. Judy Finney, who is board certified in internal medicine, cardiovascular diseases, and interventional cardiology.Our program is packed with real world experience by someone who’s seen thousands of EKGs in their career. The goal is to have you feeling confident reading EKGs so that you can better provide for the patient in front of you.

  • [1.5 hrs] Heart Electricity Works to Drive EKG Interpretation Part 1
  • [2 hrs] Heart Electricity Works to Drive EKG Interpretation Part 2
  • [2 hrs] Heart Electricity Works to Drive EKG Interpretation Part 3
  • [2 hrs] Heart Electricity Works to Drive EKG Interpretation Part 4
  • [2 hrs] Heart Electricity Works to Drive EKG Interpretation Part 5
  • [7 min] Understanding the EKG leads
  • [7 min] Electrical Currents (positive and negative deflections)
  • [20 min] Electrical Activity of the Heart as Seen on the EKG
  • [1 hr] Handling the Basics
  • [25 min] Supraventricular Arrhythmias
  • [25 min] Ventricular Rhythms
  • [20 min] Heart Block
  • [30 min] Easy 3 Step Method to Calculate the Axis on any EKG
  • [1 hr 20 min] Hypertrophies & Bundle Branch Blocks
  • [1 hr 15 min] MI’s and Ischemia
  • [45 min] EKG Extras
  • [10 min] Putting it all Together

We’ll be teaching, simplifying, and condensing everything into 10.5 hours of high-yield clinical lab review. Learn by watching our video lectures or use our audio-only feature to listen to each lecture on the go (learn while running errands, at the gym, or while commuting). You’ll also be able to read through our high-yield notes.

  • Mastering the CBC (1.5 hours)
  • White Blood Count (13 min)
  • HGB, HCT, and RBC (16 min)
  • Platelets (7 min)
  • Potassium (9 min)
  • Sodium (12 min)
  • Calcium (8 min)
  • Kidney Function Testing Part 1 (15 min)
  • Kidney Function Testing Part 2 (2 hours)
  • Liver Function Testing Part 1 (25 min)
  • Liver Function Testing Part 2 (45 min)
  • Liver Function Testing Part 3 (40 min)
  • Lipids and Cardiac Biomarkers (1 hour 10 min)
  • Understanding the BNP (50 min)
  • TSH, Free T4, Total , & T3 (2 hours)


4 hours of training showing how to read the chest x-ray the right way. Taught by Dr. Niket Sonpal and Dr. Luke Husby, board certified in emergency medicine.

4 hours of training looking over the shoulder of Joe Rad PA-C as he shows you how to perform 10 of the most commonly used sutures and knots in practice.

Over 7 hours of training explaining the fundamentals of the history and physical exam. We also dive into preventative medicine and various scenarios that can throw you for a loop in practice. Taught by Clay Walker PA-C and Dan Champigny PA-C.

In 3 hours we break down the most common procedures you’re expected to know as a practicing clinician. Led by Clay Walker PA-C and Dan Champigny PA-C.

Over 7.5 hours of in depth review showing how to document more quickly and efficiently. We’ll share what can be left out and what needs to be included with every chief complaint to avoid possible litigation. This is taught by Clay Walker PA-C, Joe Rad PA-C, Dr. Luke Husby, and Dr. Judy Finney.

10 hours of in depth training by Dr. Judy Finney, board certified cardiologist explaining the anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, and clinical findings of the major heart sounds and murmurs.

Over 12 hours of training where we simplify abnormal LFTs, NAFLD, chronic liver disease, cirrhosis, pediatric diarrhea, and the approach to RUQ pain and generalized abdominal pain. Led by Clay Walker PA-C and Dr. Niket Sonpal (board certified gastroenterologist and hepatologist).

6 hours of training detailing how to approach chest pain in primary care and in the emergency department. Led by Katelyn Reeve PA-C, Dr. Luke Husby, and Dr. Niket Sonpal.

8 hours breaking down depression, anxiety, joint pain, ADHD, and the most commonly used psychiatric medications. Taught by Dan Champigny PA-C, Dr. Niket Sonpal, and Dr. Judy Finney.

Over 2 hours of training detailing:

  • How to approach the chief complaint of headache in the outpatient setting.
  • Sinus, cluster, migraine, & tension headaches.
  • Who needs imaging?

We will walk you through four patient case scenarios. They will all start in family practice, where our primary care mentors will work up our patients and share important relevant pearls. As the visit progresses, our patients will need to be sent to the emergency department.

Don’t worry, we’ll walk you through what to look for when thinking about sending a patient to the ER. This is where our emergency medicine mentors will pick up the cases to start their evaluation. Two of these patients will be discharged (we’ll show you what that looks like). But, the other two will decompensate, and will need to be admitted to the ICU. Again, we’ll show you what to look for in the emergency department, when contemplating discharge vs admission.

Our hospitalist mentor will then pick up from here and walk you through every step of the way, including the ICU management. At the end, we’ll share important clinical pearls and learning points, every clinician needs to know.

We’ll walk you through the entire patient journey in 5.5 hours. This is an incredibly unique experience, where we brought three specialties together, to share what the patient journey is like, from start to finish

(I understand this special offer expires after finalizing my order)

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