
Primary Care Medicine Essentials

Join Primary Care Medicine Essentials and we’ll gift you complimentary access to our entire suite of resources geared towards the primary care clinician:

Every week we go live on zoom to answer all your primary care medicine questions. This is also a great way to learn from your colleagues as you learn from their clinical questions. You’ll also get access to the recordings of all past and future workshops.

Once a month we go live for a few hours to discuss updates in the guidelines, deep dives into medicine, and break down more complex case studies to keep your medical knowledge sharp. Join us live and ask your clinical questions! All sessions are recorded in the event you can’t make it.

We have 150+ hours of additional primary care lectures readily available from previous live sessions and workshops. When you join, you’ll get immediate access to every session.

Our 16 hour step-by-step program that shows you how to master the EKG for clinical practice. This the most comprehensive EKG review on the market; created for any clinician (physician, nurse practitioner, and/or physician assistant) needing to reliably read and understand the EKG.

The training is led by Dr. Judy Finney, who is board certified in internal medicine, cardiovascular diseases, and interventional cardiology.Our program is packed with real world experience by someone who’s seen thousands of EKGs in their career. The goal is to have you feeling confident reading EKGs so that you can better provide for the patient in front of you.

  • [1.5 hrs] Heart Electricity Works to Drive EKG Interpretation Part 1
  • [2 hrs] Heart Electricity Works to Drive EKG Interpretation Part 2
  • [2 hrs] Heart Electricity Works to Drive EKG Interpretation Part 3
  • [2 hrs] Heart Electricity Works to Drive EKG Interpretation Part 4
  • [2 hrs] Heart Electricity Works to Drive EKG Interpretation Part 5
  • [7 min] Understanding the EKG leads
  • [7 min] Electrical Currents (positive and negative deflections)
  • [20 min] Electrical Activity of the Heart as Seen on the EKG
  • [1 hr] Handling the Basics
  • [25 min] Supraventricular Arrhythmias
  • [25 min] Ventricular Rhythms
  • [20 min] Heart Block
  • [30 min] Easy 3 Step Method to Calculate the Axis on any EKG
  • [1 hr 20 min] Hypertrophies & Bundle Branch Blocks
  • [1 hr 15 min] MI’s and Ischemia
  • [45 min] EKG Extras
  • [10 min] Putting it all Together

We’ll be teaching, simplifying, and condensing everything into 10.5 hours of high-yield clinical lab review. Learn by watching our video lectures or use our audio-only feature to listen to each lecture on the go (learn while running errands, at the gym, or while commuting). You’ll also be able to read through our high-yield notes.

  • Mastering the CBC (1.5 hours)
  • White Blood Count (13 min)
  • HGB, HCT, and RBC (16 min)
  • Platelets (7 min)
  • Potassium (9 min)
  • Sodium (12 min)
  • Calcium (8 min)
  • Kidney Function Testing Part 1 (15 min)
  • Kidney Function Testing Part 2 (2 hours)
  • Liver Function Testing Part 1 (25 min)
  • Liver Function Testing Part 2 (45 min)
  • Liver Function Testing Part 3 (40 min)
  • Lipids and Cardiac Biomarkers (1 hour 10 min)
  • Understanding the BNP (50 min)
  • TSH, Free T4, Total , & T3 (2 hours)


4 hours of training showing how to read the chest x-ray the right way. Taught by Dr. Niket Sonpal and Dr. Luke Husby, board certified in emergency medicine.

4 hours of training looking over the shoulder of Joe Rad PA-C as he shows you how to perform 10 of the most commonly used sutures and knots in practice.

10 hours of in depth training by Dr. Judy Finney, board certified cardiologist explaining the anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, and clinical findings of the major heart sounds and murmurs.

6 hours of training detailing how to approach chest pain in primary care and in the emergency department. Led by Katelyn Reeve PA-C, Dr. Luke Husby, and Dr. Niket Sonpal.

We will walk you through four patient case scenarios. They will all start in family practice, where our primary care mentors will work up our patients and share important relevant pearls. As the visit progresses, our patients will need to be sent to the emergency department.

Don’t worry, we’ll walk you through what to look for when thinking about sending a patient to the ER. This is where our emergency medicine mentors will pick up the cases to start their evaluation. Two of these patients will be discharged (we’ll show you what that looks like). But, the other two will decompensate, and will need to be admitted to the ICU. Again, we’ll show you what to look for in the emergency department, when contemplating discharge vs admission.

Our hospitalist mentor will then pick up from here and walk you through every step of the way, including the ICU management. At the end, we’ll share important clinical pearls and learning points, every clinician needs to know.

We’ll walk you through the entire patient journey in 5.5 hours. This is an incredibly unique experience, where we brought three specialties together, to share what the patient journey is like, from start to finish

Total Value: $4,690

You’ll retain access to all our resources (including any updates made) for as long as you’re a primary care essentials member. 

How long you stay a member is completely up to you; pay only for what you need. There are no long-term contracts or commitments. Cancel anytime.

Not sure if this is right for you? You’re covered by our 30-day money-back guarantee. If you’re not absolutely in love with the material, send us an email within 30 days, and we’ll issue a full refund. No questions asked.

This special offer ends soon. Join today and get free access to our primary care product suite worth $4,690.

Primary Care Essentials Curriculum

This is specifically for the practicing clinician (PA or NP) working primary care medicine.

We have three areas of focus:

  • Non-clinical (documentation, learning to communicate with patients, preventing mistakes, etc)
  • Clinical (diagnosing, workup, management, etc)
  • Life as a clinician (increasing confidence, preventing burnout, work-life balance, etc)

It’s only when we address all three that we can truly be fulfilled as a clinician.

There’s a big difference between school and practice. When you were in school, we often spoke about what’s done first, because the order was important.

But, in real life, that’s not always the case. Often times, a multitude of things are done all at once.

On an exam, there is typically one best answer and it must be clear-cut; it must be easy enough to answer the question in 60 seconds. In real life, patients have multiple diseases, which can each cause their own set of symptoms. If you couple that with depression and anxiety, then arriving at a diagnosis starts to become much more of a challenge.

Diseases can be difficult to diagnose and/or differentiate in real life as things aren’t as clear-cut as they were presented in your studies.

This is why we like to shift our focus away from textbook exam-type presentations, and instead focus on real-world clinical scenarios.

We move away from the high-yield medicine model, to tackle real-world situations and the thinking required of a primary care clinician.

The problem is that the stakes are much higher, and as you’ll soon find out, learning on the job without structure can actually slow down your progress.

There’s a lot you don’t think about until you’ve been in the game for a few years. In fact, there’s a lot you don’t even know that you should know…until you’ve been working primary care medicine for years.

It’s because of this, we at Medgeeks collaboratively found a better way to truly master the concepts you’re expected to know as a practicing clinician.

Our structured curriculum will help get you up to speed with the most commonly encountered problems in practice. 

This is self-paced so you can go through the program on your time. The curriculum is comprised of 100 hours of training (video, audio, & slides) every primary care medicine clinician needs to know. After completion, you’ll be awarded 50 CAT 1 CME credits that are accepted by AAPA, AANP, and ANCC.

  • Mental frameworks to accelerate learning
  • The clinician mindset
  • Connecting with patients
  • Learning to be successful in medicine
  • Why clinicians burnout

Total: 3 hours 20 min

  • Documentation in primary care
  • Coding Part 1
  • Coding Part 2
  • Legal documentation
  • Controlled drug agreements and urine drug screening

Total: 4 hours 20 min

  • The diagnostic process 
  • The physical exam
  • General observation
  • Mental status
  • Abdominal exam
  • Pulmonary exam
  • HEENT exam
  • Cardiovascular exam
  • Vascular exam
  • Musculoskeletal exam
  • Neurological exam

Total: 6 hours 50 min

  • Preventative medicine in primary care
  • The well child exam
  • Vaccinations
  • Pre-operative clearance

Total: 4 hours 15 min

  • Acute cough
  • Low back pain
  • Joint pain
  • Dermatology (common skin conditions)

Total: 5 hours

  • Chest pain
  • Dyspnea
  • Weakness and dizziness
  • Abdominal pain and constipation
  • Eye complaints
  • Abnormal uterine bleeding (non-pregnant)
  • Microhematuria

Total: 10 hours 50 min

  • Headache
  • Rheumatology pearls
  • Unintended weight loss
  • Summer rashes
  • Insect & Arthropod Bites/Stings

Total: 5 hours 20 min

  • Hypertension
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Urinary tract infection and pyelonephritis
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Hypertriglyceremia
  • Peripheral neuropathy and restless leg syndrome
  • Acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease

Total: 12 hours 30 min

  • Secondary hypertension
  • Upper respiratory infections and otitis media
  • Viral exanthems
  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
  • Gout
  • Osteoporosis
  • PCOS
  • Hypogonadism
  • Fibromyalgia

Total: 9 hours 25 min

  • Medication monitoring and lab interpretation
  • Polypharmacy and deprescribing
  • New type 2 diabetes treatments
  • Topical steroids
  • The Menstrual Cycle and
    Menopause Hormone Replacement
  • Birth Control and STIs
  • HIV Pre-exposure prophylaxis
  • Commonly used psych medications
  • Pain management

Total: 11 hours 20 min

  • Procedures in primary care part 1
  • Procedures in primary care part 2
  • Pulmonary Function Testing

Total: 4 hours

  • Case Study: Is it the Heart or the Kidneys?
  • Case Study: “Is it a False Pregnancy?”
  • An interesting case of abdominal pain
  • Fatigue, Dizziness and Low Back Pain Case Studies

Total: 5 hours

  • Case studies: Difficult patient encounters
  • Critical Thinking Skills: A Case Study on Incidentalomas and Primary Hyperaldosteronism

Total: 3 hours

  • Primary care case studies part 1
  • Primary care case studies part 2
  • Primary care case studies part 3

Total: 4 hours 30 min

  • Handling referrals 
  • Difficult patients and patient deaths
  • Advanced care planning
  • Alcohol use
  • Smoking cessation

Total: 5 hours 20 min

  • Lymphadenopathy
  • Incidentalomas 
  • In-Flight Medical Emergencies
  • Radiology Terminology Explained

Total: 4 hours 30 min

Get your questions answered.
Although it’s a self-paced program, our instructors make themselves available Monday – Friday to answer any questions you may have. You also have the option to join our instructors on Zoom should you need additional guidance at no additional charge.

Monthly updates.
Every month we make updates to the curriculum to ensure we stay current. You’ll get immediate access to every update at no additional charge.

What Clients Are Saying

John C., FNP
“Even my boss gave me credit. I had my evaluation, I think it was my 45 day, and they’re very happy, they haven’t had any complaints. I’ve seen 220 patients. They’ve been very happy with my productivity and my confidence level is so much better. They mentioned Medgeeks in my evaluation, that they were supportive and happy to see my improvement. They gave me credit and I see this as being a real positive for me.”

Alexandra D., NP
“I think having the resources right there, being able to go on the app and do a search is the most helpful. There are a lot of things available but this is focused on primary care and I know I can go there and get the answers I need, so it is a big benefit.

I feel that I have improved a lot. I am more confident in my judgments and I know when to ask questions when I’m not comfortable. I’ve improved a lot from when I started.”

Heather B., PA-C
“I was in a bad space before I started all this. So now I’m leaving on time and I’m closing my charts. It’s been a good feeling. When I leave I can leave work… I know my patients have been taken care of, I documented everything, and I can follow up better with patients when I’m keeping myself organized.”

Alexander Y., NP
“They (the lectures) have been very helpful. The first two weeks changing the mindset was really helpful. It’s really nice to hear from somebody that has experience in primary care, to listen to their thought processes, it’s very helpful. I’m very happy.”

Nicole H., PA-C
“I think it just helps my headspace because being in the program has helped me gauge that… I feel at least mentally in a better headspace and clinically as well, with the additional experience and brushing up with the lectures… I feel at last like I’m above water now.”

Danyelle P., FNP
“The lectures and the learning have been the most helpful, diving into things that were glossed over or I didn’t know enough to keep it in my brain.”

George D., FNP
“I think I’ve been doing really well. Each day’s a new day and I’m learning more and more every day, seeing more patients this week than I did last week and I’m feeling a lot more comfortable. I’m enjoying the course and I love the weekly sessions. It’s a good opportunity to bounce things off people.

I’ve been reading a lot more and trying to get my tool belt filled with all this knowledge from you guys. I’m so glad that I decided to do this because I think it’s really helped me with the transition. I think it’s really important for transition NPs to do something like this.”

Heather L., PA-C
“The mindset stuff was one of the most helpful things. The structured curriculum and touching on all the main primary care medicine aspects was helpful as a new grad as well, but I think the mindset lectures hit home and got me thinking about things I wasn’t before and helped boost confidence. That was huge for me.”

Jorge M., NP
“Access to the videos and being able to replay it when I want to replay it, watch it, listen to it, the flexibility of the format, I like it…My speed has gotten a lot better. Prescribing and treatments of chronic diseases has gotten better…”

Kanani E., PA-C
“It was nice to have those videos ready and I’m trying to watch them on my way to places and if the kids are watching tv while I clean up dinner I’m trying to have the videos on. I will say it’s really cool because I felt like I’ve gained a pearl from each thing I’ve done so that’s really rewarding…”


Primary Care Medicine Essentials

For a limited time, you can join Primary Care Medicine Essentials for only $470 per year and get free access to our entire suite of primary care resources.

How long you stay a member is completely up to you; pay only for what you need. There are no long-term contracts or commitments. Cancel anytime.

We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. Get started with primary care medicine essentials, go through the material, then decide if you’d like to continue using our resources. If the program doesn’t meet your expectations (for any reason), send us an email within 30 days, and we’ll give you a full refund. No questions asked.

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