
Primary Care Medicine Essentials

During our Labor Day Sale you can save 60% off Primary Care Medicine Essentials (comes with 50 CAT 1 CME). Join today and you’ll also get free access to:

  • Our six most popular clinical courses ($1,794 value)
  • Clinical question bank ($399 value)
  • Weekly primary care workshops, including the recordings ($499 value)
  • Monthly primary care lectures, including the recordings ($499 value)
  • Private community with fellow primary care and internal medicine colleagues ($299 value)

Join today and receive access to $3,490 worth of clinical resources for free.

During this special offer you will also get lifetime access to each of our courses. This allows you to review the material when you have time; there’s no rush to go through all the material. Take your time, internalize the material, and become a better clinician. 

Primary Care Essentials (245 hours)

(Join for only $997 $396)

We’ve created a structured primary care medicine program to help you become familiar with the most commonly encountered problems in practice. 

This self-paced curriculum comprises 56 hours of training (video, audio, and slides) that every primary care medicine clinician needs to know. After completion, you’ll be awarded 50 CAT 1 CME credits accepted by AAPA, AANP, and ANCC. Here’s a breakdown of the core modules found in our curriculum:

  • Documentation: 1 hour 50 min 
  • The diagnostic process: 6 hours 24 min
  • Preventative medicine: 4 hours 10 min
  • Chief complaints part 1: 5 hours 10 min
  • Chief complaints part 2: 4 hours 23 min
  • Chief complaints part 3: 4 hours 46 min
  • Common diagnosis part 1: 4 hours 51 min
  • Common diagnosis part 2: 5 hours 2 min
  • Common diagnosis part 3: 4 hours 38 min
  • Pharmacology: 5 hours 42 min
  • Important miscellaneous topics: 8 hours 49 min

You’ll also receive lifetime access to 189 hours of additional primary care and internal medicine lectures.

Free Access: EKG Mastery (16 hours)

(Join for $299 FREE)

This is the most comprehensive EKG review on the market. It was created for any clinician (physician, nurse practitioner, and/or physician assistant) needing to reliably read and understand the EKG. The training is led by Dr. Judy Finney, who is board-certified in internal medicine, cardiovascular diseases, and interventional cardiology.

Our program is packed with real-world experience from someone who’s seen thousands of EKGs in their career.

The goal is for you to feel confident reading EKGs so that you can better care for the patient in front of you.

We’ll teach, simplify, and condense everything into 16.5 hours of high-yield clinical EKG review. Learn by watching our video lectures or using our audio-only feature to listen to each lecture on the go (learn while running errands, at the gym, or commuting). You’ll also be able to read through our high-yield notes and practice EKGs. Here’s a breakdown of the core modules found in our curriculum:
  • Cardiac physiology and pathophysiology in relation to the EKG
  • Knowing the EKG leads
  • Electrical Currents: positive and negative deflections
  • Electrical activity of the heart as seen on the EKG
  • Handling the Basics
  • Supraventricular Arrhythmias
  • Ventricular Rhythms
  • Heart Block
  • Easy 3 Step Method to Calculate the Axis on any EKG
  • Hypertrophies & Bundle Branch Blocks
  • MI’s and Ischemia
  • EKG Extras
  • Putting it all together

Free Access: Clinical Lab Mastery (4 hours)

(Join for $299 FREE)

This program offers training on the most commonly ordered labs in primary care. 

As you might have experienced, learning to interpret lab results isn’t optional. It’s vital to managing patients.

Unfortunately, many practicing clinicians still have problems with abnormal lab results. We often get questions like:

  • Can I repeat this exam?
  • Should I refer this patient?
  • What follow-up tests need to be ordered?
  • What should be on my differential?

I made many mistakes early on regarding reading and interpreting lab results. We want to simplify the most common lab results in practice.

Aside from knowing the workup and management of an abnormal result, it’s important to know when not to worry (which we’ll also share). Here’s a breakdown of the core modules found in our curriculum:

  • Mastering the CBC
  • HGB, HCT, RBCs, and WBC
  • Platelets
  • Urine analysis
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Chloride, carbon dioxide, glucose, and calcium
  • BUN and creatinine
  • LFTs
  • Lipids
  • Vitamin D
  • PSA
  • Glucose
  • Urine microalbumin
  • Thyroid labs


Free Access: Mastering Murmurs and Heart Sounds (10 hours)

(Join for $299 FREE)

This 10-hour in-depth training by Dr. Judy Finney, a board-certified cardiologist, explains the anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, and clinical findings of the major heart sounds and murmurs.  Here’s a breakdown of the core modules found in our curriculum:

  • Murmurs and heart sounds
  • Physical exam findings 
  • Mitral valve disease
  • Aortic valve disease

Free Access: Chest Pain Mastery (6 hours)

(Join for $299 FREE)

Six hours of training detailing how to approach chest pain in primary care and the emergency department. It is led by Katelyn Reeve, PA-C, Dr. Luke Husby, and Dr. Niket Sonpal. Here’s a breakdown of the core modules found in our curriculum:

  • Chest pain: More than an MI
  • Chest pain in primary care
  • Chest pain in the emergency department
  • Acute chest pain

Free Access: Outpatient to Emergency Department to ICU Case Studies (5 hours)

(Join for $299 FREE)

We will walk you through four patient case scenarios. They will all start in family practice, where our primary care mentors will work up our patients and share important, relevant pearls. As the visit progresses, our patients must be sent to the emergency department.

We’ll walk you through what to look for when sending a patient to the ER. This is where our emergency medicine mentors will pick up the cases to start their evaluation. Two of these patients will be discharged (we’ll show you what that looks like). However, the other two will decompensate and need to be admitted to the ICU. Again, we’ll show you what to look for in the emergency department when contemplating discharge vs. admission.

Our hospitalist will then pick things up and walk you through every step of the way, including the ICU management. Ultimately, we’ll share important clinical pearls and learning points every clinician needs to know.

We’ll walk you through the entire patient journey in 5.5 hours. This is an incredibly unique experience, as we brought three specialties together to share the patient journey from start to finish.

Free Access: Suture Mastery (4 hours)

(Join for $299 FREE)

Four hours of training, looking over Joe Rad PA-C’s shoulder as he shows you how to perform 10 of the most commonly used sutures and knots in practice.

Free Access: Clinical Question Bank

(Join for $399 FREE)

Access to 1,000+ clinical vignette-styled questions across every organ system. Each question comes with an explanation as to why each answer choice is correct or incorrect. Knowing what makes an answer choice incorrect is just as important as knowing why it’s correct. 

Free Access (12 months): Primary Care Private Community

(Join for $299 FREE)

You’ll have direct access to the authors of the material and can ask questions about the curriculum. 

Members can also post questions related to primary care medicine to help them improve their patient care. You can post any questions as long as you follow HIPPA guidelines to get expertise from our clinical staff, who have decades of experience mentoring physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and physicians. 

Lastly, you can search and access every clinical question posted inside the community. Our search feature allows you to learn quickly and efficiently from challenging patient cases posted over the years.

Free Access (12 months): Weekly Primary Care Medicine Workshops

(Join for $499 FREE)

We go live on Zoom every week to answer any primary care-related topics. Even if you don’t have questions, this is a great way to learn from your colleagues across the country. Access to the recordings available.

Free Access (12 months): Monthly Primary Care Medicine Lectures

(Join for $499 FREE)

Once a month, we go live for a new primary care medicine lecture where we discuss updates in the guidelines, deep dive into medicine, and break down complex case studies to keep your knowledge sharp. Access to the recordings available.

What Clients Are Saying

John C., FNP
“Even my boss gave me credit. I had my evaluation, I think it was my 45 day, and they’re very happy, they haven’t had any complaints. I’ve seen 220 patients. They’ve been very happy with my productivity and my confidence level is so much better. They mentioned Medgeeks in my evaluation, that they were supportive and happy to see my improvement. They gave me credit and I see this as being a real positive for me.”

Alexandra D., NP
“I think having the resources right there, being able to go on the app and do a search is the most helpful. There are a lot of things available but this is focused on primary care and I know I can go there and get the answers I need, so it is a big benefit.

I feel that I have improved a lot. I am more confident in my judgments and I know when to ask questions when I’m not comfortable. I’ve improved a lot from when I started.”

Heather B., PA-C
“I was in a bad space before I started all this. So now I’m leaving on time and I’m closing my charts. It’s been a good feeling. When I leave I can leave work… I know my patients have been taken care of, I documented everything, and I can follow up better with patients when I’m keeping myself organized.”

Alexander Y., NP
“They (the lectures) have been very helpful. The first two weeks changing the mindset was really helpful. It’s really nice to hear from somebody that has experience in primary care, to listen to their thought processes, it’s very helpful. I’m very happy.”

Nicole H., PA-C
“I think it just helps my headspace because being in the program has helped me gauge that… I feel at least mentally in a better headspace and clinically as well, with the additional experience and brushing up with the lectures… I feel at last like I’m above water now.”

Danyelle P., FNP
“The lectures and the learning have been the most helpful, diving into things that were glossed over or I didn’t know enough to keep it in my brain.”

George D., FNP
“I think I’ve been doing really well. Each day’s a new day and I’m learning more and more every day, seeing more patients this week than I did last week and I’m feeling a lot more comfortable. I’m enjoying the course and I love the weekly sessions. It’s a good opportunity to bounce things off people.

I’ve been reading a lot more and trying to get my tool belt filled with all this knowledge from you guys. I’m so glad that I decided to do this because I think it’s really helped me with the transition. I think it’s really important for transition NPs to do something like this.”

Heather L., PA-C
“The mindset stuff was one of the most helpful things. The structured curriculum and touching on all the main primary care medicine aspects was helpful as a new grad as well, but I think the mindset lectures hit home and got me thinking about things I wasn’t before and helped boost confidence. That was huge for me.”

Jorge M., NP
“Access to the videos and being able to replay it when I want to replay it, watch it, listen to it, the flexibility of the format, I like it…My speed has gotten a lot better. Prescribing and treatments of chronic diseases has gotten better…”

Kanani E., PA-C
“It was nice to have those videos ready and I’m trying to watch them on my way to places and if the kids are watching tv while I clean up dinner I’m trying to have the videos on. I will say it’s really cool because I felt like I’ve gained a pearl from each thing I’ve done so that’s really rewarding…”

Primary Care Clinical Bundle

During our Labor Day Sale you can save 60% off Primary Care Medicine Essentials (comes with 50 CAT 1 CME). Join today and you’ll also get free access to:

  • Our six most popular clinical courses ($1,794 value)
  • Clinical question bank ($399 value)
  • Weekly primary care workshops, including the recordings ($499 value)
  • Monthly primary care lectures, including the recordings ($499 value)
  • Private community with fellow primary care and internal medicine colleagues ($299 value)

Join today and receive access to $3,490 worth of clinical resources for free.

During this special offer you will also get lifetime access to each of our courses. This allows you to review the material when you have time; there’s no rush to go through all the material. Take your time, internalize the material, and become a better clinician. 

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